This very wriggly boy inside of me keeps me on my toes. His movements, if at all possible, are bigger and even more frequent.
I like to sit in the front lounge, on the firmer couches. Stroking my stomach and gazing at my Christmas tree. It's quiet (expect for the banging of construction) and I wonder what noises will occur once this babe arrives. Long gone will be the days of rest, so I bask in them now, whilst I can.
After all this time, it's still so surreal. I often get anxious thinking about how I will be as a mother. I've already changed a lot since being pregnant. I struggle to make decisions and often get very overwhelmed. Where I use to excel in planning, I just curl up in a ball. It's all a bit much. Decorating the nursery, packing bags, buying baby items, clothes, appointments, classes, labour.
So I sit. Whilst I can and try not to get caught up in the crazy world that has become "the newborn" industry.
Let's get past Christmas and New Years, and hope for a spurt in energy.