Thursday, May 15, 2014

Roman numerals: II month's

Seriously, can you get a cooler baby?

2 months old and such a delight!

He is now 54cm tall and weighs 4.5kg (9 pounds 9 ounces) which is actually how much my brother weighed at birth!! 

Likes: Nursery rhymes, looking at the tv and mirror, having a shower or bath, being in the pram or car, laying on the floor.

Dislikes: loud noises, sun in his eyes.

Sleeping: he has settled into a routine at night goes down around 9:30pm then wakes at 3:30am then 6:30am. So can't complain. The days are up in the air, sometimes 45min, sometimes 3 hrs.

Feeding: every 2.5hrs unless he is having a big sleep.

Milestones: so much smiling! Just loves to smile, and laugh and talk. Moved out of 5 zeros into 4 zeros, although his feet have grown massive over the last week, so have had to put him in 3 zeros when he is wearing full suits, which look swimming everywhere else.

Some more pictures from the month that was.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Roman numerals: I month

I am going to right a series of blog posts call "Roman numerals" and they will be monthly updates of where he is at.

So it's been 1 month with my beautiful boy, and what a blessing he is.

Hubby said to me yesterday "I never thought I would love him as much as I do. I would sell everything I owned for him, nothing matters but him anymore"... Pretty much sums up the love you have when you become a parent. 

He is constantly doted on by family, friends and strangers. He is one of the cutest babies I've seen and many people seem to agree! 

He is very content and loves to eat. Always with the eating! He weighed 2860 grams at birth and now weighs 3790grams, that is a 930gram weight gain! What a champ! He is still a shorty only growing 2.5cm in the last 4 weeks, but he doesn't have very tall parents.

He usually has 2 x 5hr sleeps, one during the day and one at night. The rest of the time it's three hourly feeds. 

I'm tired, but not exhausted. And to be honest I think the renos at my house are what is making me tired, not Roman.

It's funny, after my hellish pregnancy and labour I swore black and blue that it would be years until I considered going back for a second. But I keep thinking about those two frozen embryos waiting for me in the lab. I wonder if they will work, if they are girls or boys, or if I'll have to undergo the egg collection process all over again? Who knows! Right now I'm enjoying this precious guy, and shedding tears as I watch him grow so quickly!