Thursday, February 7, 2013

Here we go again

Day 1 of my cycle started yesterday. I wasn’t expecting it until Sunday, but my Doctor said he knew it would come then. Silly of me to question the expert, hey? So tomorrow is Day 3, which means the beginning of injections again. I have to have an internal ultrasound before I pick up my medication to make sure that my ovaries have healed up enough. Have to say I am not looking forward to that. Day 3 and an ultrasound- sounds like something from a horror movie. I'm pretty confident that they will have healed up, my body has felt pretty normal.

The medication you start your cycle on is really the indication of how many follicles you will get. The medication can be upped during the course of the process to boost the smaller ones along, but it’s the first medication which makes them. So I started last cycle on 112.5ui, this cycle will be on 175ui. He is a little nervous that I'll be unwell, but I've told him I am comfortable going through with it as I want to get as many follicles as possible this round as I don’t want to have to cancel again.

I’m hoping for 18 follicles, hubby says 15. Then they will be collected and hopefully have 6-8 fantastic embryos. If the embryo takes I will be due in November!

It's funny, when we first started trying for a baby I was very calculated. Didn’t want to get pregnant in March, because I didn’t want a December baby. I love to celebrate birthdays, and Christmas and Easter and anniversaries TO THE MAX and hate the thought of celebrating a birthday so close to Christmas. So I am really hoping this one takes and that I get a November baby- hopefully not born on hubbys birthday, cos I am not fond of joint birthdays either hahahah. Fussy I know!

I'll let you know how I go tomorrow!


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