Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Had my ultrasound today. I have 3 follicles that are a good size, couple of medium ones that will catch up and some small ones. My doctor reckons that by Friday there should be around 6 good size ones.

For my age and health, this is low and the question of cancelling the cycle is one that hangs over my head. My parents, are generously paying for our IVF treatment. They know how much we both want children and wanted to help us out. It means that I have to keep them in mind, after all it is their money I am spending. But they are wonderful and said that the decision is up to me and will help me out no matter how many cycle’s it takes.

I never thought I would have had to cancel, so this is quite upsetting to me. 6 follicles is still 6 possible eggs. Only need one of them to have a baby. Is it selfish of me to do this cycle and end up having no embryos left to freeze? Because that is probably the likely hood. But then I could still get a baby. It just means I would have to do IVF again for more children.

Here are my scenarios:

Wait until my ultrasound on Friday- 6 eggs or less- cancel cycle
Wait until my ultrasound on Friday- 7 eggs or more- continue with cycle
Wait until my ultrasound on Friday- 6 eggs or less- continue with cycle because there is still 6 eggs.

My husband, parents, and doctor all say the decision is up to me. Which leaves this high on hormonal medication very teary!! It’s a really hard decision.

1 comment:

  1. do what your heart tells you! You will make the right decision :D xx
